The Gospel
Discover the difference the gospel makes.
The Gospel is Good News
Short and sweet the gospel is good news. This good news is not about how you need to try harder or do better. This good news is not about finding just the right kind of advice of your life. The heart of the gospel is not about what you do for God. The gospel is 100% about what God does for you.

Jesus Was Perfect
The Bible shows that you are far too lost to find God and much too broken to be able to fix yourself. Instead, God determined to rescue you. He did it by perfectly executing his plan of salvation. He became human. His name was Jesus Christ. He was just like you in every way, except in one way. He was perfect. He perfectly kept God’s law.
Jesus for You
Our default setting is that of a rebel. We rebel against God and his good will for us. Unfortunately, this kind of rebellion has the deep consequence of death. But Jesus not only perfectly kept God’s law, he also died the death we should have died for our rebellion.
Jesus Defeated Death
If Jesus had remained dead then his death would be evidence of the fact that he was only human. He would just be one more teacher that could be forgotten. But he did not remain dead, he rose back to life demonstrating that he is more than just a man. His death defeated death.

All He Has Is Yours
His perfect life lived, his innocent death given, and his resurrection mean everything for you. Through trust in him, Jesus gives you his perfect life of obedience. In God’s sight you are perfect. He gives you his resurrection. You now have a resurrection to look forward to.
Good News Is Yours
What God has done for you in Christ has two profound effects on your life. First, you do not need to fear death. Through Christ, eternal life is yours. Because Jesus rose from the dead you also have a resurrection from death to look forward to.
Second, you can stop striving for God’s acceptance. Through Jesus you have it already. This means that we can actually serve him in the freedom of thankfulness and joy, rather than trying to get something from him.
If this gospel sounds like good news to you, then there is more to hear. Read God’s Word which is the message of his love for you and when you’re ready come and visit us.