Our Church
We strive to fully know Jesus and in love to make him fully known.
Three Key Thoughts
Church can’t just be simplified to a one hour event each week which answers our momentary needs. Church is so much more. However, if we were to summarize what we’re about we could use three thoughts: by grace alone, by God’s Word alone, and by trust alone. We rely completely on God’s unending love for us. We look to the Bible as the sole source of what we believe and teach. We trust in God’s unending love for our rescue from sin.
Three Key Thoughts
Church can’t just be simplified to a one hour event each week which answers our momentary needs. Church is so much more. However, if we were to summarize what we’re about we could use three thoughts: by grace alone, by God’s Word alone, and by trust alone. We rely completely on God’s unending love for us. We look to the Bible as the sole source of what we believe and teach. We trust in God’s unending love for our rescue from sin.

We are theologically conservative Lutherans.
Our church has a deep history dating back to the 16th century when a man named Martin Luther endeavored to reform the church. For the past 500 years his work has influenced churches around the world.
There are many Lutheran churches which run a theological spectrum. We are on the theologically conservative side of this spectrum. This means we believe that people are born sinful. We need rescuing from this deep sin problem. Jesus in his love for us rescued us. This good news is uncovered for us in the Bible. The Bible is the word of God.

We are theologically conservative Lutherans.
Our church has a deep history dating back to the 16th century when a man named Martin Luther endeavored to reform the church. For the past 500 years his work has influenced churches around the world.
There are many Lutheran churches which run a theological spectrum. We are on the theologically conservative side of this spectrum. This means we believe that people are born sinful. We need rescuing from this deep sin problem. Jesus in his love for us rescued us. This good news is uncovered for us in the Bible. The Bible is the word of God.
We are part of an international denomination
Our congregation has partnered with many congregations across the United States and the world. We are a part of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, a denomination of over 1200 congregations in the US and Canada. There are some things that are better done together than done on our own. By working together we train pastors and teachers and other church staff. We send missionaries across the world (to 40 different countries). We plant churches here at home. We publish books and materials. And we carry out relief work where and when needed.

We are part of an international denomination
Our congregation has partnered with many congregations across the United States and the world. We are a part of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, a denomination of over 1200 congregations in the US and Canada. There are some things that are better done together than done on our own. By working together we train pastors and teachers and other church staff. We send missionaries across the world (to 40 different countries). We plant churches here at home. We publish books and materials. And we carry out relief work where and when needed.