The gospel makes all the difference.
The gospel is a different kind of news because it powerfully changes your life not just now but forever. Through Jesus Christ you are accepted into God’s family. You don’t need to strive for approval. Because of Jesus you have it now and always.
Starts April 28 & 29
Every Monday 10:00am
Every Tuesday 6:30pm
The gospel makes all the difference.
The gospel is a different kind of news because it powerfully changes your life not just now but forever. Through Jesus Christ you are accepted into God’s family. You don’t need to strive for approval. Because of Jesus you have it now and always.
Current Series
The Way to God
If there is a God how can someone find him and get to him? In this series we will look at the strategies God uses for getting people who are far from him to come back to him. It all starts with his Son, Jesus.

Current Series
The Way to God
If there is a God how can someone find him and get to him? In this series we will look at the strategies God uses for getting people who are far from him to come back to him. It all starts with his Son, Jesus.